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Meeting documents

Licensing Committee
Wednesday, 27th March, 2013 10.00 am


Councillor Hardy (in the Chair)


D ColemanGreenJonesSmith
CoxMrs Henderson MBELeeWright

In Attendance:

Chief Inspector Mills and Inspector Hurt, Lancashire Constabulary Mrs S Davies, Principal Solicitor Licensing Mr M Marshall, Health and Safety Enforcement Manager Mrs B Jarvis, Senior Democratic Services Adviser


There were no declarations of interest on this occasion.


Resolved:  That the minutes of the meeting held on 16th May 2012 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Chief Inspector Mills and Inspector Hurt, Lancashire Constabulary, presented the Committee with an update on the current situation in relation to alcohol related crime in Blackpool.  Chief Inspector Mills presented Members with statistics that showed that the incidents of alcohol related violent crime had increased with the majority of incidents taking place within the main night time economy area in Blackpool town centre.  He highlighted the impact that this had on resources for the Police and other public services and the implications for the rest of Blackpool as a result of resources being diverted towards the night time economy area.

Chief Inspector Mills presented year on year comparisons that showed that the number of assaults taking place after 3am had increased and emphasised the significant impact that this had on resource for the Police and other public services. He advised Members of the impact of late licences on the drinking culture and explained the current legislation relating to Early Morning Restriction Orders (EMRO) and Late Night Levys that had been introduced under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.  He suggested that a marketing strategy could be a useful tool in encouraging people to drink earlier in the evening to reduce the impact of alcohol incidents in the early hours.

He advised Members that consideration had been given to reducing the existing cumulative impact zone to enable better allocation of resources to reduce the risk and threat of crime. 

Responding to questions from the Committee, Chief Inspector Mills confirmed that EMROs could operate within zones and be reviewed after a period of time.  Mrs Davies, Principal Solicitor Licensing, advised that the Local Authority had the power to introduce Late Night Levys and EMROs provided that it could demonstrate that it was appropriate to promote the licensing objectives.

Resolved:  To note the update report from Lancashire Constabulary.

Background papers:  None


Mrs Davies, Principal Solicitor Licensing, reminded the Committee that the Council had approved the Statement of Policy under the Licensing Act 2003.  She advised Members that since the policy had come into effect there had been a number of legislative changes as a result of Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 and Live Music Act 2012 that required changes to be made to the Policy.

Mrs Davies outlined the changes which included a proposal to change the cumulative impact area and the increased likelihood of representations for applications for licences with closing times beyond 3am, although each application would continue to be considered on its merits.  A further change related to the policy relating to non payment of licence fees.


1.  To note the contents of the revised policy.

2.  To approve a 12 week period of consultation for the revised statement of Policy under the Licensing Act 2003. 

Background papers:  None


The Committee considered the revised statement of policy and principles under the Gambling Act 2005 and the representations received during the period of consultation.

Mrs Davies, Principal Solicitor Licensing, reminded the Committee that it had approved  the consultation on the draft policy at its meeting in May 2012 and advised that following this, consultation had taken place between June and September 2012.  The responses received during the consultation period had been attached to the agenda.  She advised Members that there were no proposed changes to the consultation document although an appendix had been added that detailed the consultees.

Responding to concerns raised by the Committee in relation to the training of staff to identify and deal with vulnerable people, Mrs Davies confirmed that this came under the remit of the Child Protection Licensing Officer as he had responsibility for the safeguarding of children and vulnerable people.


1.  To note the representations received during the period of consultation.

2.  To recommend the Executive to recommend the Council to approve the proposed statement of policy and principles under the Gambling Act 2005.

Background papers:  None


Mrs Davies, Principal Solicitor Licensing, advised the Committee that during the period from June 2012 to October 2012 the Licensing Section had dealt with 29 applications for new premises, 10 variation applications, 51 transfers of premises licences, 76 variations of designated premises supervisors, 118 temporary event notices, 97 personal licence applications and 1 application to review a premises licence.

The Committee was also advised that there were currently 4 casinos, 6 bingo halls, 22 adult gaming premises, 14 family entertainment centres, 41 betting offices and 1 track betting licence.

Responding to concerns raised by the Committee in relation to the number and location of betting establishments, particularly within areas of deprivation, Mrs Davies accepted that it was an area of concern that was being monitored but confirmed that the number of establishments had not increased significantly since the Gambling Act 2005 had come into force. She advised Members that there was currently no saturation policy in place relating to gambling establishments and no provision in legislation for this.  However, other local authorities were  currently lobbying for this and Mrs Davies was monitoring the outcome.  Mrs Davies offered to arrange visits for Committee Members to view gambling establishments if required.

The Committee congratulated the Licensing Team on their hard work.

Resolved:  To note the update report on licences considered, dealt with and appealed.

NOTE:  Councillor Mrs Henderson left the room following consideration of this item and took no further part in the meeting.

Background papers:  None




Mr Marshall, Licensing Health and Safety Manager, updated the Committee on the enforcement work that had been undertaken by the Enforcement Team since the last report to Committee in March 2012.

He outlined the outcome of various enforcement activities that had been undertaken in relation to several establishments within the town and the different approaches that had been adopted to ensure compliance.  He advised Members of the changes in the law that enabled suspension of licences for non payment.  He reported on positive results from a seminar that had been held in April to provide information on changes in the guidance for underage sales.

Responding to concerns raised by the Committee, Mr Marshall explained the steps that had been taken to reduce the distribution of promotional material.

The Committee congratulated the Enforcement Team on their achievements.

Resolved:  To note the update report.

Background papers:  None





The meeting ended at 12.10 p.m.

Any queries regarding these Minutes, please contact:
Bernadette Jarvis, Senior Democratic Services Adviser
Tel: 01253 477123, or alternatively, E-mail: bernadette.jarvis@blackpool.gov.uk

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